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How to Beat Sherman Financial Group in Court

George Simons | December 06, 2023

George Simons
Co-Founder of SoloSuit
George Simons, JD/MBA

George Simons is the co-founder and CEO of SoloSuit. He has helped Americans protect over $1 billion from predatory debt lawsuits. George graduated from BYU Law school in 2020 with a JD-MBA. In his spare time, George likes to cook, because he likes to eat.

Edited by Hannah Locklear

Hannah Locklear
Editor at SoloSuit
Hannah Locklear, BA

Hannah Locklear is SoloSuit’s Marketing and Impact Manager. With an educational background in Linguistics, Spanish, and International Development from Brigham Young University, Hannah has also worked as a legal support specialist for several years.

Summary: If you've been sued by the Sherman Financial Group, use SoloSuit to respond in 15 minutes and win your lawsuit.

There are two words, and only two words, you need to know to beat Sherman Financial Group (or any debt collector, for that matter) in court. Those two words are – Prove It.

Americans are awash in debt, and that is a gold mine for unscrupulous debt collectors who want to make money by collecting on that debt. These debt collectors will often use aggressive tactics to achieve their goal, up to and including filing lawsuits against alleged debtors.

The debt collectors use these tactics because they know that, in almost every case, the person who owes the debt will not respond. The debt collector hopes to get a court judgment against the debtor to garnish the debtor's wages, or worse.

That is where those two powerful words – Prove It – come into play.

If a debt collector files a lawsuit against you, then you need to demand that they prove to you that you truly owe the debt that they claim you owe. You will be shocked to discover that the debt collector will rarely be able to prove its case in court.

File a response with SoloSuit in 15 minutes and win your case.

Sherman Financial Group is one of those aggressive debt collectors that you need to stand up to. So, if you just received a notice that Sherman Financial Group (or some subsidiary of Sherman Financial Group) is suing you in court on a debt, do not throw it away. And do not run and hide. Rather, respond to that suit, and demand that Sherman Financial Group prove its case in court.

In this article, we will give you a little background on what Sherman Financial Group is all about. But more importantly, we will give you an easy way to demand that Sherman Financial Group put its money where its mouth is and prove its case against you in court. You too will be able to stand up to an aggressive debt collector and say those two powerful words – Prove It.

What is Sherman Financial Group?

Sherman Financial Group, LLC is a massive debt collection company that purchases and administers consumer debt that has gone into default. The company buys the debt from credit card companies, phone companies, student loan providers, mortgage banks, and other businesses with consumers who are unable to pay their bills.

It pays for the debt at a very low price (often pennies on the dollar) and makes its money by keeping the difference once it gets the money from the debtor. Not surprisingly, that business plan motivates Sherman Financial to be aggressive in collecting from debtors.

Sherman Financial has a rather confusing set of intertwined organizations. It is owned by Sherman Capital, and it owns many debt collection subsidiaries including Sherman Originator and Sherman Acquisition. Also, it is somehow affiliated with companies called Resurgent Capital Services, LVNV Funding, and Alegis Group.

Are you confused by all the companies? You should be. The confusion is by design. It is a way for the billionaires who own the companies to hide assets behind different corporate forms when any one company is sued for illegal debt collection activity. As you would expect, Sherman Financial Group's subsidiaries have been ordered in the past to pay millions to settle allegations of illegal debt collection practices, including making false claims about consumers.

Use Solosuit to file a response and counterclaim for illegal debt collection practices.

How You Can Fight Back Against Sherman Financial Group and Win

As noted above, the key to beating Sherman Financial Group in court is to force it to prove its case against you. Sherman Financial, and other aggressive debt collectors, often go into court unopposed. Sherman Financial counts on that. So, it is rarely, if ever, prepared to provide adequate evidence to demonstrate that it owns your debt and that you owe money on the debt.

So, you may ask, what do I do to make Sherman Financial prove its case? The answer is to go to and get started today creating an Answer to the lawsuit you received. SoloSuit's automated software will help you accurately prepare your response in any jurisdiction.

There are two demands for proof that will allow you to push Sherman Financial Group back against its heels in its lawsuit against you.

  • First, in your response, you ask for evidence, for documentation, showing that Sherman Financial Group owns the alleged debt that it says you owe. Because Sherman Financial does not typically originate loans, nor does it have a credit card, it must have purchased your debt from someone else. You should demand proof of that transaction. If Sherman Financial cannot come up with the documentation to show that it owns your alleged debt, then you win.
  • Second, you need to demand that Sherman Financial prove that it filed its lawsuit within the necessary period. There is a concept, you may have heard of, called the “statute of limitations.” The statute of limitations is the amount of time in which a debt collector can legally sue to collect an individual's debt. Therefore, if the statute of limitations in your jurisdiction is, for example, five years and Sherman Financial sued you six years after the debt was overdue, then its lawsuit too late. You win your case.


Sherman Financial Group does not have all the power. Especially if you push back with those two powerful words – Prove It. Fight back with SoloSuit!. You can easily and safely respond to a collection lawsuit from Sherman Financial Group.

What is SoloSuit?

SoloSuit makes it easy to respond to a debt collection lawsuit.

How it works: SoloSuit is a step-by-step web-app that asks you all the necessary questions to complete your answer. Upon completion, you can either print the completed forms and mail in the hard copies to the courts or you can pay SoloSuit to file it for you and to have an attorney review the document.

Respond with SoloSuit

"First time getting sued by a debt collector and I was searching all over YouTube and ran across SoloSuit, so I decided to buy their services with their attorney reviewed documentation which cost extra but it was well worth it! SoloSuit sent the documentation to the parties and to the court which saved me time from having to go to court and in a few weeks the case got dismissed!" – James

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>>Read the FastCompany article: Debt Lawsuits Are Complicated: This Website Makes Them Simpler To Navigate

>>Read the NPR story on SoloSuit: A Student Solution To Give Utah Debtors A Fighting Chance

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